InterLinks Foundation cross- cultural meetings – time to sum up

Wspieramy współpracę międzynarodową i pozyskiwanie funduszy zewnętrznych na rozwój organizacji

InterLinks Foundation cross- cultural meetings – time to sum up

A few weeks of preparations, schedule’ s discussions, intensive recruitment and … the series of cross-cultural meetings organised by our Foundation is already behind us. It was a real pleasure for us to host representatives of 13 countries: Brazil, Portugal, India, Guatemala, Peru, Germany, France, Vietnam, Russia, Cyprus, Croatia, Turkey and of course from Poland.

During five together spent afternoons we got to know what are the experiences of foreigners living in Poznan, we took part in a workshops which let us understand what multiculturalism in practice means, we found out what are the EU and non- EU funds that might be useful to co-finance an international cooperation of NGOs. The good spirit of international integration accompanied our meetings all the time ?

We have much enthusiasm and hope that soon we will transfer ideas developed during the meetings into reality.

We invite organizations and persons willing to join our group to send an e-mail to: 

Below a short photo story of our meetings.